Gays in the Military (pre-policy change)
Don’t Ask, Shhhh! Don’t Tell If you haven’t heard, there’s a debate raging in Congress, and to a lesser extent in living rooms, at...
Strange Art
Friends, Here's yet another thing that you wouldn't see in hometown USA. Well,maybe I would. I live in a very dynamic city. Here you go....
What's in a Name?
Everyone, I apologize if some of you received this more than once. The internet here is always patchy at best and I might've had a...
Chillin' like a villian
Chillin’ – Afghan style Have you ever noticed the way in which people sit and relax? Some people lean on one leg against a wall, or desk...
Candy & me
Candy & me I discovered something last night that I hadn’t paid much attention to – candy and I aren’t a good mix. I rarely eat candy in...
the Lowest Bidder
The Lowest Bidder The US government, for all its wasteful spending, has a process by which the winner of any contract to provide the...
Warning! Offensive Material Inside
All y’alls, I've had lots to ponder these past few days, or is it weeks? The concept of time is lost on me know. We measure our days...
Stinky water
Stench & water I grew up in the city before my Mom married my Stepdad, and we moved to the country. It was a rough adjustment for a 12...
the Health & Welfare Inspection
Wow, this one really pissed me off. I had to jot it down for you. Don't remember if I mentioned this, but I've many topics yet to...
the Dirty Experiment
Some of y’all are new to my updates and to you I say Welcome. My ramblings are expositions on the little things I've noticed while...